1. «Γιατί γύρισα στην Ελλάδα…»

“Why I came back to Greece …”

Sunday Kathimerini, 22 July 2018

By Andreas Yannopoulos

Synopsis: A personal appeal by Mr. Yannopoulos to his fellow Greeks to work together in the aftermath of the crisis and build a new, more cosmopolitan Greece open to foreigninvestment.


  1. “Το ξένο κεφάλαιο έγινε ιερό δισκοπότηρο”

“Foreign investment has become the holy grail”

To Vima, 8 July 2018

By Andreas Yannopoulos

Synopsis: The era when Greeks were hostile to foreign investment has passed and the country now welcomes the investment multinationalcorporations bring. But as a survey of foreign executives shows, many obstacles remain and Greece must do more to become an attractive investment destination.


  1. “Ισχυρά μηνύματα για την ελκυστικότητα της Ελλάδας ως επενδυτικού προορισμού από το 1ο FORUM 2018 «InvestGR– ΞΕΝΕΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ»”

“Strong messages on Greece as an FDI destination emerge from the 1st InvestGR – Foreign Investment in Greece Forum”

Press Release, 3 July 2018

Synopsis: 33 speakers on 6 panels analyzed and discussed the potential and challenges of Greece as an FDI destination during the 1st InvestGR Forum. Attesting to the importance of the issue in the public debate, speakers also included Stergios Pitsiorlas, Minister of Economy and Development, Kostis Hatzidakis, Vice President of New Democracy, Fofi Gennimata, President of Movement for Change, and Konstantinos Bitsios, President of SEV (Hellenic federation of Enterprises).


  1. Interview with Andreas Yannopoulos

Skaï Radio 100.3, 1 July 2018

By Nikos Ypofantis

Synopsis: Looking ahead to the 1st InvestGR forum, Mr. Yannopoulos speaks about the investment environment in Greece, and observes how executives at foreign multinationals can help improve the investment framework in the country.


  1. “1ο FORUM «InvestGR– ΞΕΝΕΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ»: Μπορεί η Ελλάδα να γίνει ελκυστικός προορισμός για τις ξένες επενδύσεις;”

“1st InvestGR – Foreign Investment in Greece Forum: Can Greece become an attractive destination for foreign investment?”

Mono News, 1 July 2018

Synopsis: Announcement and description of the upcoming 1st InvestGR Forum. The article underlines the broad and high-level participation expected at the 1st InvestGR Forum, as well as the importance of serious public debate on how to position Greece as an attractive FDI destination.


  1. “Σημαντικοί θεσμικοί και χορηγικοί υποστηρικτές στο 1ο FORUM 2018 «InvestGR – ΞΕΝΕΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ»”

Important institutional and sponsoring partners support the 1st InvestGR – Foreign Investment in Greece Forum”

Press release, 28 June 2018

Synopsis: Announcement of the partners supporting the Forum, among which are EY Greece, Enterprise Greece, Eurobank, Fraport, PwC Greece, Ministry of the Economy and Development.


  1. “Μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον συμμετοχής ανώτερων στελεχών εταιρειών και ειδικών στο 1ο FORUM 2018 «InvestGR – ΞΕΝΕΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ»”

“Strong interest among senior executives and specialists to participate in the 1st InvestGR – Foreign Investment in Greece Forum”

Press release, 26 June 2018

Synopsis: Outline of the structure of the Forum, announcement of the presentation of the survey commissioned for the Forum as well as “The Initiative,” based on the survey.


  1. “Σημαντικές συμμετοχές επικεφαλής ξένων εταιρειών και πολιτικών ενόψει του 1ου FORUM 2018 «InvestGR – ΞΕΝΕΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ»”

Significant participation of executives of foreign companies in Greece and politicians slated for the 1st InvestGR – Foreign Investment in Greece Forum”

Press release, 6 June 2018

Synopsis: Announcement of key participants in the Forum, including leading politicians and executives from, among others, KPMG, Imerys, Interamerican, Papastratos, Brook Street Equity and FCA Group.


  1. “Κορυφαίοι μάνατζερ στο Forum InvestGR”

“Top managers at InvestGR Forum”

Mono News, 1 June 2018

Interview of Andreas Yannopoulos by Giorgos Manettas

Synopsis: Mr. Yannopoulos outlines the thinking behind the InvestGr Forum, the importance of attracting FDI to Greece, and the great interest in the subject among politicians and executives.


  1. “Η Ελλάδα μπορεί να αποτελέσει προορισμό ξένων άμεσων επενδύσεων!”

CNN Greece, 17 May 2018

Interview of Andreas Yannopoulos by Irene Pollali

Synopsis: In the interview Mr. Yannopoulos outlines the mission of the InvestGr Forum to create a dialogue between executives of foreign companies and political partners in Greece to facilitate improvements in the investment framework of the country. In order to attract FDI it is important, in Mr. Yannopoulos’ view is to examine international best practices for adoption in Greece and for the state to better understand the needs of investors.


  1. “Η Ελλάδα ελκυστικός επενδυτικός προορισμός”

“Greece, an attractive investment destination”

Sunday Kathimerini, 13 May 2018

By Giorgos Markopouliotis

Synopsis: The author, head of the European Commission representative office in Greece, highlights the country’s success in tapping almost €2.5 billion in strategic development funds under the Juncker Plan. The projects co-financed by the EU demonstrate how Greece has become an attractive investment destination.


  1. Στόχος μας να πάει η Ελλάδα μπροστά και μακριά!

“Our goal is for Greece to go forward and go far!”

Business News, 9 May 2018

Interview with Andreas Yannopoulos by Dimitris Tsoukalas

Synopsis: The interview is about the InvestGR Forum and the reasons for organizing it. Mr. Yannopoulos outlines that the Forum will be an annual event aimed at improving the framework for foreign investment, through a dialogue between senior executives of foreign companies in Greece and local stakeholders, especially at the political level.


  1. Η Ελλάδα ελκυστικός επενδυτικός προορισμός

“Greece, an attractive investment destination”

By Andreas Yannopoulos

To Vima, 5 May 2018

Synopsis: There is broad consensus in Greece, across the political spectrum and among the public, that the country needs to attract foreign investment. Barriers remain in spite of reforms in recent years, but by adopting tried and tested international practices, Greece can position itself as an attractive investment destination.


  1. Interview with Andreas Yannopoulos

Thema Radio 104.6, 1 April 2018

By Christos Konstas

Synopsis: Interview focusing on the challenges to making Greece a more attractive investment destination ranging from public administration, to the justice system and the country’s brain drain. Looks ahead to the 1st InvestGR Forum highlighting the participation of foreign business executives and policy makers in discussing concrete proposals to improving the investment framework in Greece.



  1. “Μια σημαντική πρωτοβουλία για τις ξένες επενδύσεις στην Ελλάδα”

“An important initiative for foreign investment in Greece”

Press release, 21 March 2018

Synopsis: Announcement of the upcoming 1st InvestGR – Foreign Investment in Greece Forum.