8th InvestGR Forum 2025:
Greece, Regional Leader

July 15 2025

Athens Conservatoire

8th InvestGR Forum 2025:
Greece, Regional Leader

July 15 2025

Athens Conservatoire

The Starting Point

There is now broad political consensus in Greece that the country’s economic development must be based mainly on foreign direct investment.

In the past, foreign capital was often viewed with suspicion in both the Greek political and public spheres. In a major shift, foreign direct investment is now seen not only as legitimate, but as essential to the recovery of the Greek economy.

Large foreign companies have started to invest heavily or show strong investment interest in the country.

However, challenges remain. In spite of significant governmental reforms, chronic structural problems continue to plague key industries and institutions. These inefficiencies are a barrier to Greece becoming an attractive investment destination.

From Idea to Action

The InvestGR Forum: Foreign Investments in Greece is now an annual institution, with the participation of representatives of the government, political parties, executives of foreign companies in Greece, academics, and experts.

The main theme of the event is the existing framework for foreign investment and, above all, the formulation of proposals and options to improve this framework.

The annual Forum has two goals. On the one hand, to highlight the positions and views of foreign companies operating in Greece on how Greece can improve its attractiveness as a destination for foreign investment. And, on the other hand, to provide a platform for representatives of the government and political parties to explain their actions, plans and positions on this issue.

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