Speech by Mr. George Stathakis, Minister of Environment and Energy
Greeting by Mr. Marc Bogdahn, Chargé d´Affaires a.i., Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Greeting by Mr. Konstantinos Marangos, Vice-President of BoD of the GermanGreek Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Panel: Discussion of the findings in the survey by Metron Analysis: “Greece – an
Attractive Investment Destination?”
Panel: Results of the EU Elections: Challenges and Opportunities for the Attractiveness of Greece as an Investment Destination
Panel: How Does Tourism Affect the Image of Greece Abroad?
Speech by Mr. Yannis Stournaras, Governor of Bank of Greece: How Can Greece Fill the Gap with Foreign Direct Investments?
Speech by Mrs. Fofi Genimata, President of the Movement for Change
Presentation by Mr. George Pagoulatos, Professor of European Politics and Economy, Athens University of Economics and Business
Panel: The Effective State and Investments
Panel: Investment in the Digital Economy: A Catalyst for Competitiveness?
Keynote speaker: Ms. Elisabeth Waelbroeck-Rocha, Chief International Economist – IΗS MARKIT ECONOMICS
Speech by Mr. Nikos Dendias, Parliamentary Spokesperson of NEW DEMOCRACY party